
Mans search for meaning and fulfilment
Was no greater than his on that day
Desperate for validation from peers
Holding his breath for a chance

Lean and tall with an intensity of character
Few posses charisma at their fingertips
But his eyes told a different story
Lost and nauseas, too long at sea

I’d been searching for a soul misplaced
With aptitude to power our ship
A hype man to mould and then release
A birds loving care before its first flight

I went all in
He saw his opportunity and he took it
Difficulty and challenge was inevitable
But his force of will was unprecedented

A year on, the glint in his eye sparkles
Enlightened by ambition and friendship
Though the path chosen is untrodden
One foot now follows the other

A new found belief in his own direction
Gifts identity and contentment
But don’t look back too little or too often
You’ve come quite some way my friend