The river bends Twisting between brick Loaded by humans Building their nests City smoke settles Yet water vanishes Escapes through shoots Down hidden holes An unknown world Quiet and secret Never stops moving Trickling and trickling
Author Archives: benhenleysmith
The skate
Welcome noble advisers You’ve skated this lake before Made the mistakes we are yet to make Returned hands fresh from the fall Your impact will be instant Give us confidence A new found protection A sky high fortress So long as accountability still drips it’s rain So long as listening seeps down to our committed hearts So long as experimenting continues unrelenting So long as leading is not a second thought Our success Lies with us Like yours Gone before us This frozen lake beckons To skate it’s ridges To fail or to fall Will be our mission abridged Your council we seek To get us far Spot the pitfalls Raise our bar Yet no two paths are exactly alike Where structures align, details differ Our route will not be dealt to us But by us The moment belongs to this team Who dare to give their skin We’ll lean on your council Where the ice wears thin
This brisk walk might get me there To city streets and London air I make the train, seconds to spare Find my seat and fix my hair The bulking trees of Earlsfield clear Brick top roofs of ‘Claham’ appear My journeys south start from here But I’m heading north, london is near Vauxhall means trains and not much else I’m here every day but come by myself Men and women of pittance and wealth Give it worth, but not in of itself Our final stop at Waterloo Sparkly buildings all shiny and new A city to throw my all into Couldn’t escape if I wanted to
My escape
That green scent of spring tickles my tougue Why do twigs shake with vibrations of joy Freedom is joyous, oh to be young This sweet moment, stay Buds break from their brown lumps Bees leap from their golden pots Petals bask in afternoon sun Our spring, my escape
Mother’s nature
Whilst bending the universe to shape and form Our tiny earth was mysteriously born Her breath became the wind up there A voice like thunder in the bellowing air Her veins cut rivers from mountain to sea Soft flesh became earth for the growing trees Grass sprouted like newly grown hair Sweat came as rain to share it’s despair Her haunting character defines our being Holds a tight grip on our life and meaning Born by the struggle of starting a new Nature is the atom she speaks to us through
Out of reach
Exhausted by love for those unknown Stretching for life where none is grown Scrambling around for kindness to give Avoiding the truth I can’t bare to live Simple happiness feels just out of reach A skill hard to learn that’s easy to teach The walls of my mind are tough as old brick Coarse and red - substantial and thick Lockdown will ease but where will I be Still searching for something external to me Endlessly scrolling for what might have been Needlessly hoping my stars might convene
Again, again
Eyes fixed to the single spot His crazed gaze cannot rest An animal possessed Smooth rubber, red and round Weighted and bouncy My ball, his bounty An object time forgot Days pass running and chasing Never slowing, still racing Then it’s found A glimpse of purpose soaks the air Joy everywhere Again, again
Tabala Rasa
I am Tabala Rasa Born in circumstance I come with no knowledge No previous romance I will be made by you Moulded and shaped Circum to your will Live for your sake To listen to your words Is to dance in the fields My mind rich with life My heart now revealed Don’t stop your teaching I will fail to grow Keep watering my being With all that you know
3 days & 3 nights
Once a month our sky changes it’s way The moon vanishes for 3 days and 3 nights It slips behind sheets of blue and black The darkest stretch of the heavenly cycle It calls to us Jonah struggled in the belly of the whale Beowulf sank to the pits of the lake For 3 days and 3 nights they did not give up They rose again from the deep Can I be as brave? Tears drip knowing those I love will enter this struggle Yet my belly decides to never give up Not to darkness that sheds light on noble resolve I shall fight for 3 days and 3 nights I will

Go together
My feet stumble My words mumble My life humble I know why The chapter gone The era worn The curtain drawn Goodbye Two hearts shown Two people grown Two lives sewn Forever Your time blessed Your souls left Your bodies rest Go together